January 26, 2011

A video from D.U.G.

  I am the member of the New London Beautification Committee who runs this blog, but I also have my own garden blog called  Diary of an Urban Gardener, where I post videos about my own gardens and garden projects.
At our most recent Beautification Committee meeting, the members had a long discussion on how to reach out to the public and get people involved in gardening both public and private. Members came up with some great ideas, which we plan to implement in the next year.
One idea that was easy to do right away, was to post more how- to projects on our committee blog.
The above video is the first video I made for D.U.G. and talks about planning your future garden, mostly on your computer. This is a great time of the year to dream about a new garden, or a new project for an existing garden, and when spring arrives, you will be ready to hit the ground running, so to speak.
In this video I do mention using a photo shop program, which are expensive to buy, but did you know that you can download a free program that does much of the same work. It is called Gimp, click here to go to the download page  
 I use this program all the time and find it is more intuitive and straight forward then programs that cost a great deal of money. So, get going, you have no excuses, you don't even have to go out in the snow. The Internet will provide you with the answers to any garden question you have, or email us, or leave a comment and we will answer your questions.

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